Don’t use info@ website. All the best reasons, why not.

Here we explain why info@ can harm your business.

There are many reasons why using info@ as a business email address is very bad for all businesses. We try to set out the problems and disadvantages of this type of email address.

Customers and Marketing are the reasons Customers

Customers are the most important reason why any business operates to make a profit. So it is essential to consider how they react to what they see. The email address used plays a significant part in customer interaction. Typical email addresses are info@, and sales@ but as they are so common, spammers know that about 40% of companies have these email addresses. All they have to do is use these and many will be read or even opened. Putting the company website and communications at risk.

Depending on the type of business, the use of a more personalised email addre…

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Promotion. A free & simple method to gain more customers.

Promotion link building for a business website is what we do.

Listing SEO is the technique used to create quality backlinks to the main business website. This is an important part of the promotion of any website. There are free and paid link resources which can improve substantially search engine results.

A global award for the Northamptonshire Business Directory 2022 for the "Best Marketing and Promotion Platform"- Northamptonshire. shows it can work for the benefit of others. The work never stops. We love it.

We build a quality link pointing to the main business website and show social media links as well. This is something that Aldi does. Linking all the local branches to the main website, from a dedicated quality link resource.

Promotion SEO should be part of every co…
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Award for the best free Northamptonshire Business Directory

The Northamptonshire Directory is for all local businesses.

Unfortunately, it is a fact that the majority of Northamptonshire businesses do not understand how the Internet works for business growth. Nowadays it is vital that every business, large and small has a fully functioning website that is maintained regularly. Receiving an international Award confirms our marketing successes.

A website is a major asset, assisting with customer information, support and often purchases. The problem is one of visibility to customers. A great website without the necessary Internet exposure will never produce the results required. Details on the Global Award are here. Any business unsure if their website is working for their business can check out our Shopper website.

The Global Award is for providing local marketing support for local businesses

Many Direct…

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What you did not know about Promoting and Marketing.

Promoting a website is what we do best.

There is a difference between promoting and marketing, which is misunderstood. In a small company they will be under the same manager. Larger companies will separate them into two departments. Marketing can be considered as the top level, with Promotion as part of that organisation. They provide different types of services.

Marketing takes care all aspects of the company products and services. Including pricing, package, publicity and promotion. Called the The 4 P's. It is very difficult to just market a website. This is the place for the promotion team. This local Directory is part of many companies promotional efforts.

Promoting a Website.

Promoting a website requires some knowledge of how websites are created and work. The skills of the website developer, the target market and the budget available. A…

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The more powerful your description, the better the results

Images and text are both important

Since you are running a business, you should join as many suitable business directories as possible. A description in our business directory is a searchable on-line registry, that has details of all the information the business has supplied.

No information or only a few words will make it very hard for any customer to locate your business amongst all the other businesses in the local Directory

Your description words matter

The free business listing includes, business name, contact details, address, website address, and importantly your business description. It can also have images and outbound links. Itโ€™s important you have the details of your business correct.

In fact, did you know that Google ranks websites based on the information you provide? Yes, thatโ€™s right. …

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Not found? A Directory listing is the answer

Not Found, is bad for business

Google and other search engines index the Internet continuously. There are a number of reasons why a website is not found in search results.

The majority of website owners visit Google and search for their name or products, and see the results on the top page. Happy they are found. This is possible one of the biggest mistakes any company owner can make.

We love helping our members with website promotion

We have mentioned many times that search engines understand personal search terms. This means they filter the results to provide what are being searched for. Because this has been done this before. That's what search engines are good at.

The image shows buildings above the cloud line, but the buildings below cannot be seen. It is the same with Search Engines. If a webs…

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Change is coming to the Directory

We have to change the free listing to a paid listing in 2022

It has been decided to change the free listing option, to a paid option from 2022. We established the Local Directory in 2014, and there has always been a free option for every business located in Northamptonshire.

Like everybody, we are facing rising costs from every direction, so change has to happen. We believe the Listing options from 2022 will offer great value, and will help fund the work we do to promote the Directory for the benefit of all listed Northamptonshire businesses.

Nothing before December 2021

Every business that joins before the end of the year will still enjoy all the existing benefits and there is no expiry date on Listings created until the end of the year.

There are many benefits for any type of local business that ha…

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Orphan websites are never successful

Websites, nobody loves them, nobody cares.

The majority of business websites are an orphan, and taken for granted. Everybody in a business knows there is one, but nobody ever seems responsible. A very simple poll we started awhile back seems to indicate lack of interest. Maybe everybody is just too busy, or dose not care.

Orphan websites are lost opportunities for everybody.

Websites cost money. To create, to host, to support and to promote. Many sites are "create and forget orphans". The business never knows how many customers have found a competitor or another solution. If an owner never asks, nobody will say anything, not their job. Corvid-19 is an excuse for doing nothing.

If nobody reads this post, it may confirm nobody cares. Sometimes we wonder why we bother promoting all the Northamptonshire businesses for free as well. But the…

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Create and forget marketing is now very effective

Free marketing is great value for every business

Time is always limited for the business owner. Everybody needs to market their business so that customers can find them online. Now there is Create and Forget marketing for every listing in the free local Northamptonshire Business Directory. We used a "forget me not" flower image. We will not forget your business either.

We take care of the marketing of all listings in the Directory. A local listing in a popular Directory is of great value. This increases the chances of the main company website receiving more visitors. A qualified link from a recognised Directory will always help boost the rankings of the main business website.

Not all Directories are created equal.

There are many types of Directories to join, many are not free. A typical business may join a number of Directories which suit the busi…

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