Promoting a website is what we do best.

There is a difference between promoting and marketing, which is misunderstood. In a small company they will be under the same manager. Larger companies will separate them into two departments. Marketing can be considered as the top level, with Promotion as part of that organisation. They provide different types of services.

Marketing takes care all aspects of the company products and services. Including pricing, package, publicity and promotion. Called the The 4 P’s. It is very difficult to just market a website. This is the place for the promotion team. This local Directory is part of many companies promotional efforts.

Promoting a Website.

Business website promotion

Promoting a website requires some knowledge of how websites are created and work. The skills of the website developer, the target market and the budget available. All play a part. Many promotional steps, require just knowledge and time.

Promotion using a Directory

Many businesses make the mistake of believing “The website is on-line, now the customers will come” That might have been true 20 years ago, but not nowadays, there is too much competition. The first question to be asked is, who are our customers, and where are they located.

This decides the basic parameters that promoting a website will work within. So what are some common promotional steps?

  • Press releases
  • Blog Posts
  • Link building
  • Creating articles
  • Using Forums
  • Publishing Sitemaps
  • Creating YouTube videos
  • Posting on LinkedIn
  • Social Media
  • And importantly, registering with suitable Directories, which target potential customers.

After all, this is the place many customers will go to first if they want to shop locally.

There are many types of Directories, many which will have no benefit for Northamptonshire businesses. If a companies market is global, or national, there are many better resources. No point in registering in a Manchester Directory if you are a local taxi company in Kettering. Google will ignore it.

Promoting where the customers are located is the main target. Google helps here. There is always activity on Directory websites, so Google is continuously updating the information in their index. If you are located in that Directory, you are also indexed higher.

Google knows through the Directory Sitemap’s, (xml and rss), every change that takes place. Changes everyday, mean Google will recognises it will need to visit everyday, to stay up to date.

This is why a listing in a local Directory, which only accepts companies and businesses located in Northamptonshire is important. If your businesses is in Northamptonshire, join today.