Websites, nobody loves them, nobody cares.

The majority of business websites are an orphan, and taken for granted. Everybody in a business knows there is one, but nobody ever seems responsible. A very simple poll we started awhile back seems to indicate lack of interest. Maybe everybody is just too busy, or dose not care.

Orphan websites are lost opportunities for everybody.

Websites cost money. To create, to host, to support and to promote. Many sites are “create and forget orphans”. The business never knows how many customers have found a competitor or another solution. If an owner never asks, nobody will say anything, not their job. Corvid-19 is an excuse for doing nothing.

If nobody reads this post, it may confirm nobody cares. Sometimes we wonder why we bother promoting all the Northamptonshire businesses for free as well. But there are some super companies and businesses of all types that we love. That recognise the value of a successful website for their business. That’s the type of business we are very happy to promote for free.

Customers usually stay for 10 seconds to make their decision. Look for information or an item, if not found, move onto a similar website. It is always the same, most business have no idea how many customers have been lost. Do you know?

We can help prevent orphan websites

First, can the business website be found in Google’s Index? We have already discuss why using Google to check for the business website is a waste of time. It is what Google thinks you want to see, not the real facts. If you would like some help and advise, visit Drachsi, could be the solution.

The small business is at a major disadvantage when it comes to marketing and promotion. Lack of funds and somebody to do the work. That is why joining suitable Business Directories is a quick easy step forward. Another is business reviews, which Google rates highly from genuine sources. Our Directory provides reviews free of charge for all listings.

Time to plan joining the local free Business Directory for Northamptonshire. Quick , easy and long lasting. Full guide provided and we are always here to help.