Not Found, is bad for business

Google and other search engines index the Internet continuously. There are a number of reasons why a website is not found in search results.

The majority of website owners visit Google and search for their name or products, and see the results on the top page. Happy they are found. This is possible one of the biggest mistakes any company owner can make.

We love helping our members with website promotion

Shopping on-line

We have mentioned many times that search engines understand personal search terms. This means they filter the results to provide what are being searched for. Because this has been done this before. That’s what search engines are good at.

The image shows buildings above the cloud line, but the buildings below cannot be seen. It is the same with Search Engines. If a website has good foundations and is actively using basic SEO, (search engine optimisation), then customers will find the business on-line.

A Directory listing is only a small but important step to better results. It can be hard to understand the technology of websites, and there are many buzz words and creative marketing companies to confuse everybody. Some simple and beneficial ways to promote any website are,

  • Using a website address, add /sitemap.xml If there is nothing showing, or it is more than a week or two old, this needs updating.
  • Google’s documentation on how Google search works.
  • We explain using search techniques so that “Not Found” does not happen to you.

We have taken a number steps so that local Northamptonshire businesses can benefit. Free of charge until end of December. All member listings will not expire. After January 1st we will be using a yearly paid membership plan. The simple reason is, marketing, promotion, maintenance and hosting takes finance, time and effort.