Promotion. A free & simple method to gain more customers.

Promotion link building for a business website is what we do.

Listing SEO is the technique used to create quality backlinks to the main business website. This is an important part of the promotion of any website. There are free and paid link resources which can improve substantially search engine results.

A global award for the Northamptonshire Business Directory 2022 for the "Best Marketing and Promotion Platform"- Northamptonshire. shows it can work for the benefit of others. The work never stops. We love it.

We build a quality link pointing to the main business website and show social media links as well. This is something that Aldi does. Linking all the local branches to the main website, from a dedicated quality link resource.

Promotion SEO should be part of every co…
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Award for the best free Northamptonshire Business Directory

The Northamptonshire Directory is for all local businesses.

Unfortunately, it is a fact that the majority of Northamptonshire businesses do not understand how the Internet works for business growth. Nowadays it is vital that every business, large and small has a fully functioning website that is maintained regularly. Receiving an international Award confirms our marketing successes.

A website is a major asset, assisting with customer information, support and often purchases. The problem is one of visibility to customers. A great website without the necessary Internet exposure will never produce the results required. Details on the Global Award are here. Any business unsure if their website is working for their business can check out our Shopper website.

The Global Award is for providing local marketing support for local businesses

Many Direct…

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How to create a free listing

A free listing made simple

The Internet can be easy to use if you are searching and looking at websites. But what if you need to create a free listing to promote your business?

Part of our mission is to help Northamptonshire businesses prosper and survive the Covid pandemic, and bring wealth into the county. This can only happen if you make the effort.

Two ways to have a free listing

First is registration which must be completed. Don't worry, we do not sell your details. Then comes the two options.


Proceed to the selection of the free option, the listing form is then available for completion. We have provided lots of help to smooth the work. You have 48 hours to complete the listing. After that time, your account will be deleted.

All applications a…

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Time to prune the Northamptonshire Business Directory

Late autumn pruning of the Northamptonshire Directory

The Northamptonshire Business Directory was created in 2014 as a solution to the dominance of large retailers in the town and online. Plus groups of national businesses of all types. The typical town has many of the same companies, and not just in Northamptonshire but across the country. Little space for the small local family business.

To all existing members.

We will be sending an email shortly to all members, requesting confirmation the business is still trading, and we have the right contact details. We understand the Corvid-19 Pandemic has taken a terrible toll on many Northamptonshire business, but we are forced to take this step to make the Directory relevant to local customers.

We have now sent out our newsletter, if you did not receive your copy, maybe it is in your spam folder,…

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New version of the popular local Northamptonshire Business Directory coming shortly.

We have been working on a more modern up to date version of the Northampton Business Directory. The Directory started in 2014 and has been through many updates. This all new version will be ready by the end of August.

All existing member information, and listings will remain. One of the challenges has been to improve the Directory, but not lose any existing information. It is expected many companies will take the chance to upgrade their information and provide new images.

Security has been increased, listing made faster, and it is easier to find where customers are located, and travel information.

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Not all Business Directories are equal

Choose Business Directories with care.

There are many types of Business Directories, from specialised ones, national and local ones, and dead ones. What separates them is, if they work for a business.

Our research has shown that specialised ones and local Directories can work . The specialised Directories are directly targeting the type of customers your business needs. Local Business Directories are aimed at the local customer where most customers are located.

Free or paid for.

Here a business needs to do some research. Start local and check out every type of Directory that matches your companies customers. If you cannot find the Directory in the top 100 Google listings, forget them. They are not promoting their Directory and you will have little benefits.

Check if many other companies from your town are already listed, and importantl…

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Your business and the Internet

Managing a successful business Managing a successful company takes and effort. When considering the Internet, typically business owners and managers are either in the group that can see the benefits of using the power of the Internet to build a successful company and increase profits, or in the group that has no time or interest. If you have no interest, then forget reading the rest of this post. Time If there is not enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done, increasing staff levels is one option or out-sourcing is another. Every business is different, with different financial levels, customer base and products, No one size fits all. Typically if a business is not Internet based, it receives very limit time and resources from management. Whether you agreed or not, the future for any company will be Internet based. No business website, no business email, customers will find it very hard to find you, competitors will be much easier to locate. Websites Don…
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Copywriting Service

We welcome all new members to the Northampton Business Directory and wish you success with your business. If you have decided to add your business to the Directory, there are some points to consider when completing your free listing. The Directory updates and notifies the major search engines frequently, so that your listing can be found when potential customers search for your type of products and services. But how does Google, Bing and others find your listing? They find it by scanning our Directory for updates and changes. This means what you put in, or don't put in your listing, has a direct impact on the search results. If you have less than 250 words the chances are that you will not be listed correctly. Just image a library full of information. Your competitor describes his competing business with lots of information, you add a sentence to yours. Guess which will be found.   A professional independent copywriting service can view your business and discuss h…
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Northampton Categories

Many new Categories have been added Due to popular requests a number of new Business Categories have been added. Ebay for the many hundreds of individuals and small business owners that use this channel. Now YouTube has a section as this is a popular method to make company presentations. Free listings can only use one Category, paid listings can use 5 listing Categories. You may also advertise in most areas, details on request.
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