Managing a successful business

Managing a successful company takes and effort. When considering the Internet, typically business owners and managers are either in the group that can see the benefits of using the power of the Internet to build a successful company and increase profits, or in the group that has no time or interest. If you have no interest, then forget reading the rest of this post.


If there is not enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done, increasing staff levels is one option or out-sourcing is another. Every business is different, with different financial levels, customer base and products, No one size fits all. Typically if a business is not Internet based, it receives very limit time and resources from management. Whether you agreed or not, the future for any company will be Internet based. No business website, no business email, customers will find it very hard to find you, competitors will be much easier to locate.


Don’t have a website?, this must be the very first step that needs to be taken to secure your companies future, without a website, you have no future. Many businesses have created their own website, or maybe a friend, some even go to a profession web design company. After it has been hosted and is live, time to move onto other urgent things. Wrong.

The mobile customer is King

Northampton Mobile business customer

Ofcom reports that in 2015, 80% of the UK population had broadband access to the Internet and 61% used their mobile to access the Internet. According to the BBC there are 64.5 million people living in the UK in 2014. For the business owner this means more than 50 million UK people use the Internet. Most search for information and suppliers, post to Facebook and generally have fun. If people cannot find your business on-line, they will find your competitors.

The Northampton Business Directory

This local Directory for Northamptonshire provides a free listing service for all local companies. A website alone is not enough, there needs to be feeder links to build a reputation. Many can be time consuming. A free listing in the Directory is working all the time to promote your business, and links directly to your website. Google actively indexes all the listings so there is an increase opportunity for your business to be found. Our Directory is responsive, make certain your website is also.

Add your local business now

Simply click on the “Add a business now” button top right and add your company details. There is the opportunity to describe your company and add an image. You can always update and modify the original listing. Get started now, it is free to Northamptonshire based companies.