Your business and the Internet

Managing a successful business Managing a successful company takes and effort. When considering the Internet, typically business owners and managers are either in the group that can see the benefits of using the power of the Internet to build a successful company and increase profits, or in the group that has no time or interest. If you have no interest, then forget reading the rest of this post. Time If there is not enough time in the day to do everything that needs to be done, increasing staff levels is one option or out-sourcing is another. Every business is different, with different financial levels, customer base and products, No one size fits all. Typically if a business is not Internet based, it receives very limit time and resources from management. Whether you agreed or not, the future for any company will be Internet based. No business website, no business email, customers will find it very hard to find you, competitors will be much easier to locate. Websites Don…
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