Choose Business Directories with care.

There are many types of Business Directories, from specialised ones, national and local ones, and dead ones. What separates them is, if they work for a business.

Our research has shown that specialised ones and local Directories can work . The specialised Directories are directly targeting the type of customers your business needs. Local Business Directories are aimed at the local customer where most customers are located.

Free or paid for.

Here a business needs to do some research. Start local and check out every type of Directory that matches your companies customers. If you cannot find the Directory in the top 100 Google listings, forget them. They are not promoting their Directory and you will have little benefits.

Check if many other companies from your town are already listed, and importantly, that you can list your business website. This is because it benefits your company website with a quality link which boosts your business. Quality links to your business website are very important.

Google rates us well.

Business Directories

If you type Northampton Businesses we are number 1. We are number 2 for Northampton Business Directory, and Northamptonshire Business Directory.

This matters because we make the effort to promote all our listings with SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) techniques. Website addresses in a listing really help your business get found.

Local matters, most customers and businesses live near to each other. Here is why>>.

Finally make certain any Directory you make the effort to list in is up to date. Check the ยฉ date at the bottom of a Directory, should be 2019.