Award for the best free Northamptonshire Business Directory

The Northamptonshire Directory is for all local businesses.

Unfortunately, it is a fact that the majority of Northamptonshire businesses do not understand how the Internet works for business growth. Nowadays it is vital that every business, large and small has a fully functioning website that is maintained regularly. Receiving an international Award confirms our marketing successes.

A website is a major asset, assisting with customer information, support and often purchases. The problem is one of visibility to customers. A great website without the necessary Internet exposure will never produce the results required. Details on the Global Award are here. Any business unsure if their website is working for their business can check out our Shopper website.

The Global Award is for providing local marketing support for local businesses

Many Direct…

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Create and forget marketing is now very effective

Free marketing is great value for every business

Time is always limited for the business owner. Everybody needs to market their business so that customers can find them online. Now there is Create and Forget marketing for every listing in the free local Northamptonshire Business Directory. We used a "forget me not" flower image. We will not forget your business either.

We take care of the marketing of all listings in the Directory. A local listing in a popular Directory is of great value. This increases the chances of the main company website receiving more visitors. A qualified link from a recognised Directory will always help boost the rankings of the main business website.

Not all Directories are created equal.

There are many types of Directories to join, many are not free. A typical business may join a number of Directories which suit the busi…

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Local Marketing in Northamptonshire

Local marketing of a website really matters

Local marketing matters. One definition of online marketing is on Wikipedia. This explains in clear terms what it is about, and what it is meant to achieve. This post explains how the local Northamptonshire Business Directory can help all local companies, large and small.

Customers will struggle to find your business online, unless you tell them you exist. This is done by marketing the website. The very first step is to make sure your business is found by Google which has about 94%, of the search engine market.

A sitemap of a website is vital

Everything depends on if you built your website, a website designer or a marketing company created it. If the site is based on WordPress there is a very good chance there is a sitemap already. Do a quick test. Type your website address in your browser and ad…

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Free Directory Listing for your business.

More than 960 pages indexed by Google.

The Northamptonshire Business Directory is a popular website for customers, business owners, and Google. With more than 960 pages indexed and includes every Directory listing, which are free.

Marketing never got easier or cheaper

Every company understands the need to market their business. Many companies websites are so often left to fend for themselves. In the highly competitive market of achieving top page results in search engine results, work must be done.

The British Independent Retailers Association reports that 38% of the money spent locally, stays local. This is good for everybody. Help local companies survive, support local businesses.

A Directory listing can make a big difference

This is a very difficult time for many local businesses due to Covid-19. The lo…

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Marketing and Northamptonshire businesses

Marketing preparations for the future Brexit dominates the news, and for many business owners and managers, there is nothing they can do, except prepare. We commissioned a report which goes some ways to explain what should be considered when planning for Brexit. With so little information and facts which seem to change as fast as the weather, what can be done? Will your business survive if you do nothing? At the heart of every business are the customers, and they are as worried about the future as well. If customer numbers fall, revenue falls, staff are laid off, banks consider their support, etc,etc. It is a vicious circle. Doing nothing should not be an option. How a local Business Directory can help? We are talking about Northamptonshire Marketing. It is not a word to be frighten of, it just means telling potential customers about your business. If customers don't know about your business, they can always find a competitor. So the winner is the business that has spre…
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Importance of Marketing

What is Marketing? Marketing can be defined as creating a desire to purchase a product or service in a potential buyer.ย The most important component of any business is marketing. Without marketing there are no customers and, consequently, no business. ย Here is a definition.ย  People are searching for your company Analysing how people access and use this free Directory, it has been found that local business people register their business, but the majority of visitors are looking for a local service, store or product. Make certain you are found, add your business now, it is quick and simple. Business to Business Marketing We are a Business to Business Directory providing free marketing services to local companies in the Northamptonshire area.ย It was once said that "people don't buy products they buy benefits". Business to Consumers Marketing Why is this important for your listing? Listings are frequently indexed by the leading search engines, which means if people lo…
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