Who are my local customers, and where are they?

Where do online national and local customers come from? A simple question. For many businesses and organisations, this is very hard to answer. There are facilities to understand who and why people visit a website.

Listed in this free Northamptonshire Directory are a wide variety of businesses, and many different styles of websites. Having a website is only the first step in finding customers. Potential customers have to find the business website as well. For the smaller business owner or the manager of a local branch, this next step does not happen.

Business Promotion

Who takes care of the website? Unfortunately often the answer is nobody. It could be DIY, a website designer, in some cases a marketing company. There are steps even a small business can do to promote themselves and their website.

Introduce as many people as possible to the website through social media. There are many other free resources available on the Internet. It takes time. Local Directories are often the best, some paid and some free. Only register with those that provide a link (URL) back to your website, that is the most important part. No link, limited benefit.

A very recent check of the Directory showed 88% of visitors were new visitors. For our Directory that is good, because people are finding us, and they can find you. They will use the the simple search facility and visit the companies listed. We don’t expect many return visitors, they found what they wanted, which is your business.

Are you ready for Covid changes on the 17th May?

The company website is often the last thing on “The to do” list, which really should be considered far more important. Promoting a business today is unlikely to have quick results. That is unless you make regular Blog posts keeping customers up to date with your business.

A free local Directory provides the best solution, it is already active and a listing works immediately. The listing can be updated at any time and at no additional cost.

First steps are to help local customers find your business.

Google will eventually find the company website, but steps can be taken to speed up the process.

Our Directory frequently notifies Google to changes and additions to the Directory, so every company benefits from a free listing. More benefits with a paid listing. All listings have a link to the company website. See our Q&A section for more information.

Just a simple question.

Can you honestly answer this question.

So that’s it. Do nothing and nothing will happen.