Northamptonshire Directory news update

Updates are taking longer.

We update this Directory often. Like many websites we are continuously making updates to resolve small problems, add improvements and generally keep the website up to date. We aim to keep the local Business Directory for Northamptonshire in top condition. If you see any problems please let us know.

This is a free local Directory offering an all inclusive free listing for every business based in Northamptonshire. To provide the very best service, we depend on local businesses making the effort to join. Many don't. Our updates benefit every business, so why is there not more members?

The value of a listing

Many small businesses are trying to survive during Covid-19 restrictions, and have no time or budget for business marketing and promotion, even if it is free. Making the effort to survive and prosper is great, survival i…

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Why keeping Google happy is essential for business success

Why keeping Google happy is beneficial and profitable.

Keeping Google happy demands hard work and lots of time. What makes Google unhappy? Not enough changes to get excited about. Managing a business leaves little time to explore the fun of SEO. Search Engine Marketing. There is an old saying "United we stand, Divided we fall" ( or could be fail ), and that is true for most businesses. Going alone on the Internet is hard work, tough and requires specialised SEO knowledge.

Consider this. Maybe you manage a pub or own a B&B. Run a restaurant or organise childcare, the list is endless, but how do customers find the business online? By a search. All businesses should tell Google they exist, and what they do. Not just wait to be found. It is a tough world out there online.

There are Directories and there are useful Directories.

Any listing in a sui…

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The Northampton Directory in Google

Google lists your local Northampton Business Directory in the top 3 Searching anonymously for "Northampton Directory" or "Northampton Business Directory" in November 2016, the Directory has now reached position 1 and 3 in Google searches. Update. End August 2017 now listed at number 1. This matters, as companies listed in the Directory all benefit from our rating. The more listings in the Directory, the more a business is likely to show in the search results. We have published an article which explains how to search the Directory and how to search using Google and Bing. The article is called How to search and opens in a new window. The greatest challenge facing any company is how to be located in the first page of results for a keyword. There are thousands of companies offering a wide range of services, and you can spend a lot of money for results which can change quickly. A better method is to produce a wide range of interesting information, and then build a number of quali…
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