Updates are taking longer.

We update this Directory often. Like many websites we are continuously making updates to resolve small problems, add improvements and generally keep the website up to date. We aim to keep the local Business Directory for Northamptonshire in top condition. If you see any problems please let us know.

This is a free local Directory offering an all inclusive free listing for every business based in Northamptonshire. To provide the very best service, we depend on local businesses making the effort to join. Many don’t. Our updates benefit every business, so why is there not more members?

The value of a listing

Many small businesses are trying to survive during Covid-19 restrictions, and have no time or budget for business marketing and promotion, even if it is free. Making the effort to survive and prosper is great, survival is the most important. Income, profit and a future.

Every new listing means the the Directory is updated. This update is recognised by Google (94% of searches are conducted on Google) and with our self created sitemap, every change is noted and the information is updated. So a searcher always gets the last results from the local Northamptonshire Business Directory. It is very unlikely anybody will read this Post, but Google will read it, and update.

An update is important

What is an update? An update is any changes to the content, structure or hosting of a website. A website might make changes frequently, so Google send its search engine robot to update the primary index, which is stored on Googles on servers. That is why it is so quick to provide possible answers to a search. But there is also a problem.

We have produced search information which might explain how a search works. Basically Google knows people very well. If a search for a certain word is used a few times, then Google will filter the results shown, to only included that search term.

An example. Searching for colour white. After a few searches the results will filter out any searches including black. For most people, this is great. They only want what they search for. For businesses it is different. Search for the business name will finally put the business near the top on page one of the search results. Just what is wanted. But it is not true.

An article we produced explains in more detail how to conduct a good search If you search for a page ranking of a business, to get an unbiased view of where your site is really listed, try using StartPage or DuckDuckGo,