Local Directories mean business.

We have written an article about the benefits of local Business Directories for businesses of all sizes. The information is too much to show in a post. Here is the full article.

Every business with a website, has the problem of how to be found if the business is not already well known. Some business names are nothing like their website name. People search for what they think are the right words to find a business, not always what the company is known for.

Don’t use Google to search for your business

If you do, you will nearly always come out near the top. Why? Because Google understands people very well, and also understands interests and recent search words. If you frequently ask Google about your company, it remembers your interest, and provides information matching those words.

Local Directries are best for information

To find out if your business is indexed by the search engines, we like DuckDuckGo, or check out this list of the top 50 search engines. Don’t just search for your business name, search for products and services you provide. We have added an extra tip in the article.

Local Directories are still the best.

Why? because people trust and often know the companies they are looking for, just not the web address.

A good website plus a listing in the Directory, doubles the chances of being found, and we do a lot of marketing, which helps your company and us.

Which would you rather do, search in just the local Northamptonshire area, or national or international? There are just too many websites now to find the one you want, unless you are very good at searching.

General Directories or Specific Directories.

There are many types of Directories, The free local Northamptonshire Business Directory is open to all companies, as long as they are based in the county. We welcome links from local companies and other Directories.

Competition is good, co-operation is better.

Other useful Local Directories to join

We are happy to add suggested Directories which recognise our Directory.