Do you care about your website?

Website Valuation Research has shown the majority of business owners have little interest in their website, and it shows. After the first or second publishing, nothing else happens. This could be due to having a family friend create a website on the cheap, or a company is hired to create a site and that's all. Owners often don't know who is responsible for the site after a few months. Why is there so much apathy about such an important business asset? Always busy? There is never enough time in the day for most business owners, but if the owner has no time or interest in the company website, who does? The Internet is now used by the majority of on-line people to search and find potential solutions and suppliers before making a purchase. That's one part to consider, another point is the company reputation. Valuating a website Is the website as good as company brochures and literature? Is the site receiving visitors? Are orders coming from the website? Can the site be vie…
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