Copywriting Service

We welcome all new members to the Northampton Business Directory and wish you success with your business. If you have decided to add your business to the Directory, there are some points to consider when completing your free listing. The Directory updates and notifies the major search engines frequently, so that your listing can be found when potential customers search for your type of products and services. But how does Google, Bing and others find your listing? They find it by scanning our Directory for updates and changes. This means what you put in, or don't put in your listing, has a direct impact on the search results. If you have less than 250 words the chances are that you will not be listed correctly. Just image a library full of information. Your competitor describes his competing business with lots of information, you add a sentence to yours. Guess which will be found.   A professional independent copywriting service can view your business and discuss h…
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