Marketing a Covid-19 ready website.

During Covid-19, a successful website is vital if a business is to survive. With more time available to people, they go online to find information, make purchases, play games and entertain themselves. If they find your website, do they stay?

As a business manager or owner, you can use this extra time during lockdown on your website. Check your website, do not use Google.

Google understands you very well, and will provide links to things it knows you already like. Try DuckDuckGo. they do not keep the search results. See our more detail page on searching.

If your website is not listed in the first two pages, what should you do?

After you have check your website, you may have noticed out of date information, images not loading, etc. make a list, and have your website support company make the updates. Make certain the page dates are also updated. This is important.

A company website must be ready to tap into this increased demand during the Pandemic. Each company is different, and there is no one size fits all.

Many Northamptonshire websites are part of a larger group, spread across the country. But being local to customers, matters.

Add your Covid-19 site to Directories

One of the best methods to increase the number of visitors, is to maintain a regular Blog. This takes time and skill.

A more effective method, is to register the website in as many suitable Business Directories as possible. This also takes time but has a lot longer lasting benefits.

As a local directory for Northamptonshire, we are also listed in other business Directories, to increase our profile. Most Directories are national or international, go for local Northamptonshire Directories if the county has your target customer.

If you are a local Northamptonshire business, having a free membership of the Northamptonshire Business Directory makes sense. Check out the Questions and Answers for more information. Use the return button to continue reading.

Prepare your website

Is the business website explaining what is happening to the business during Covid-19, and how it plans to be available when things start to return to normal.

So often the message on the home page is not what customers want to see, create a Covid-19 new home page with new information.

Your customers will thank you, ask them to like your website on their social media accounts. Like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many others, this great free marketing.