Most people use Google to search

A local business can find it hard to attract visitors unless the business makes a lot of effort with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), makes regular updates and adds frequent Posts. Because if this is not done, Google and other search engines do not rate an individual website very high in search results.

Stack the results in your favour

Stacked for local businessDirectories of all types are often listed at the top of many search results. The Northampton Business Directory is listed in many search results, but is not the only one. Most customers are local for many businesses and it is this market that is important.

The following are searches that are not found in our Directory. ” Painter, b&b, accountants, chiropodist,ย mechanical design” If these searches are the area your business operates in, then a lost customer.


A Local Business needs exposure

A free listing does not compete with an existing website, but supports it locally, where it matters most. The listing is working 24/7 providing information and an important link to your main business website, and people can promote your business via many of the top social media links, all free.