Northamptonshire Directory and Google

Northamptonshire Directory and Google, the best of friends.

The Northamptonshire Directory listing in Google

Google lists the local Northamptonshire Business Directory near the top.

How to search Google

Everything depends on the search terms used. Change the words, change the order, and different results show. But, if the search terms are used just a few times, Google understands and filters the results to suit the searcher. See our Search Guide for more details.

Which is the best Northamptonshire Directory?

This depends on who is searching, and for what. There are a number of different Directories for a range of companies and organisations. The free Northamptonshire Business Directory is only for local businesses in the county.

A good listing in Google for the local Directory matters, as companies listed in the Directory all benefit from our rating. The more listings in the Directory, the more a business is likely to show in the search results.

We have published articles which explain how to search the Directory and how to search using Google and Bing. The articles are listed in the top menu bar. Here is an important search article

The greatest challenge facing any company is how to be located in the first page of results for a keyword. There are thousands of companies offering a wide range of services, and you can spend a lot of money on results which can change quickly.

A better method is to produce a wide range of interesting information, and then build a number of quality links to your company website. Make the Northampton Directory part of your link-building strategy.

Owning a website is an ongoing work in progress, and is considered one of the most neglected business resources a company owns. The value of a properly maintained website can reflect greatly in the financial results.

Is the Northamptonshire Business Directory a jobs Directory?

No. But all businesses listed can offer jobs and vacancies on their business listing for free.

The valuation of a website in the company your accounts should reflect, not only the design costs and maintenance costs but the value the brand name has at bringing in new customers. This Brand value can be high. The value of a branded website could be measured in thousands of pounds.

How to search

If you search like most people, you use Google or maybe Bing. But the results are biased. They know more about you than you think. You will have seen how ads follow you around for something you are interested in, same with searching. See how to search.

They both provide the information they decide will be of interest, but what if you want unbiased information? Then you need to use a search by This still uses Google but without your background tracking information affecting the results.

Our favourite is DuckDuckGo