Google likes us, we are at number 2, and so are you.

January Google ListingJanuary 20th 2015, the Northampton Business Directory is at number 2.

Google listingWhen promoting a website there are many different aspects to consider. A Directory faces many challenges because most of the content is supplied by individual companies, and most have limited ideas on how to present their business. When joining the Directory we strong suggest the business description be at least 250 words, most listings are 40-50 words. This is not enough.

Basically a search engine scans the contents and using specialised software, decides how and where to list the information. If your business content does not provide enough information, you are unlikely to be found. Our Directory tries hard to create content about Northampton and Northamptonshire businesses so that your company benefits.

We have access to some great copywriters who will provide a professional description based on your company, request details.


Searching for local Northampton companies

Promoting a Northampton business can be challenging. Many companies do not have the knowledge, interest or time to prepare their company websites for Search Engines. There are many reasons. Time is probably the number one reason, there is never enough time managing a business, after all, you are in business to make money. Other reasons can be knowledge and interest. Yes the Internet is unbelievable and complicated, but like many other parts of managing a business, you don’t have to do it alone. If you are one of the 50% of UK companies without a website, you will not be reading this anyway.

ย Creating your Listing

If you decide to list your company in the Northampton Business Directory, there are some points you should consider. It is free, but you have to do some work. You can update information at any time using your login details, you don’t have to do everything at once.

Apart from entering your normal business information, business name, address, make a selection from the comprehensive catalogue, which is the area you want the business to be listed. Under the section there is the opportunity to add your company logo or brand image.

Then comes the important part, your business information. Remember this is information a possible customer reads before contacting your business. One or two lines are not going to win many fans, but are acceptable when first creating the listing. Remember to update as soon as possible. This is needed for our team to decide if you are a suitable business to list in the Directory. If you find it hard to create good marketing information, contact somebody to help you, or we can offer our copy writing services. You might like to read our information on how to search.

Time to make 2015 your most successful year ever, we are here to help.