What is an SSL Certificate?

As part of our commitment to enhance the many benefits of a Free listing in the Northampton Business Directory, we have now added additional security with a SSL Certificate.

There is now a padlock in the top left hand corner of the menu bar when using the FireFox browser, next to our web address which starts with https. We took this step for a number of reasons. Firstly the European General Data Protection Regulation makes the protection of personal data a priority, not only in the UK or the European Union, but worldwide. See the Data Protection information on Wikipedia.

For the visitor

SSL Certificate When visiting the Northampton Directory you are assured that any information you send or receive is protected with high level encryption. Some advertisers on this website do not yet use a SSL certificate and the coloured padlock will show in orange in the FireFox browser, this is beyond our control, but the security remains

For the members

The information you supply is stored in a secure database and the data is encrypted. Please ensure any link made to the Directory uses the https://www.northampton-business-directory.com

As a leading local business to business directory and a business to consumer directory we take security seriously, good for you and good for your customers.

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