How to use Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation is the key to success. Most business owners own a website, but know very little about the technicalities of operation. With today's solutions from web design agencies, a great website can be created and in operation very quickly. The presentation of the finished site and sign-off are a day for celebration. It is only after a few weeks or months that questions are asked about visitor numbers and new orders. But what questions to ask and to whom? Time to read about SEOWe enclose a link to a pdf file or webpage that explains in great detail what most web companies do not know about or practice, maybe because there is not a lot of profit in local Search Engine Optimisation. You may ask, why are we providing a link to some of the latest and best information and SEO and not charging for it. Well, the information is provide free by a leading company specialising in this area (not us.) and it really does not matter how much you know, if you don't have t…
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