Businesses trust the Directory

Keeping the Directory local May sound strange, keeping the Directory local, but what it means is that we check that only companies and businesses with a listed address in the Northamptonshire area are included in this free local Directory. The more popular the Directory gets, the more companies from outside Northamptonshire try to get listed, after all, it is good for business, helps with brand recognition and Google listings. Customers can be certain that companies listed are truly local. We have received requests from Australia, Northampton in the USA, London and today Cardiff, all have been declined. The Northampton Business Directory is for all businesses, large and small in the Northamptonshire including subsidiaries of larger companies, all are allowed. Advertising for Businesses As a free local Directory we accept suitable advertising from local and national companies, if your business is based outside the area, consider placing a banner advert, the costs are…
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