Staying at home in Northamptonshire

We have published an article with ideas, solutions and contacts to help manage your time and benefit from staying at home.

Corvid is everywhere, on the TV, on the radio, and online. Most people just switch off. There are many lockdown ideas to be shared.

For the elderly there is Age UK. Child support is available at UK Government guidance. Ideas for couples

Staying at home

By now, everything has been cleaned and washed. The trips to the supermarket become the highlight of the week, and you are steadily going crazy. Maybe Money is getting short. How is this all going to end?

It is hard to accept that this situation is likely to continue for many months. Time to face facts, the outside world will be different and changed for every. Now it is about survival and learning new skills, that will be required in the post Covid world.

Make some plans

Everybody is different, with different needs and different living standards. What joins us all together is beating Covid. Getting some life back to normal, and making plans is a good way to be prepared for what comes next.

Boredom is bad news, so if there are things you would like to do, but never had the time, now is the time. Not now, then not ever.

Why not start writing that dairy or book, use your camera to take pictures ( We will be holding a photographic competition soon). Start a Blog, learn a language, join Groups on Facebook, WhatsApp, Signal or Zoom.

Time get up and look the future in the eye, and say I can and I will.