Searches in the Northampton Business Directory

What search terms people are using.

Each listing in the Directory is searchable from our search button and searches by Google and Bing etc. If people search for a product or a service in the Directory, we know what they search for. We also know if a listing contained the search term, or if no listing was available for the word.

What does this mean?

If you have a listing for Bed & Breakfast and your listing contains the search terms breakfast, visitors will see the listing, no search word, no visitor, no sale. Nobody searches in the same way, and if you normally use Google, search results will be based on what you have searched for in the past. See our article on how to search.

Keyword Searches without a listing

Seemstress ย ย  ย 
guttering clearing and replacing northampton

So if your business is in an area where a keyword above has been used, time to check out your listing and add it as part of the description and in the Keyword box. Then the visitor will find your listing and and visit your main website, then it is up to you to make a sale.