Your website is important

Your on-line Northamptonshire business website is more important than you think. As a busy owner or manager it can be easy to forget the company website, after all, there is one and that’s all that matters. The Northampton Business Directory was started to provide a free Directory service to Northampton and Northamptonshire companies of all sizes, supported with selected advertising.

Our membership continues to grow, but there are still many local companies not listed for a number of possible reasons. Did not know the Directory existed, the marketing department handles this, or maybe an outside agency, no money, or just don’t have the time to do everything.

Local Northamptonshire BusinessMany Northamptonshire business owners think that a website is not required for their business as they consider their business local rather than international. However, analysis on the trend of internet search patterns have provided insight that people search products and services on-line with localised keywords like “plumbing services in Northamptonshire” or “Ford garage in Northampton” etc. Therefore, your website not only stands to serve prospects internationally but also drive local traffic to your business. The advent of smart phones and GPS technology have made viewing of local business and services on-line simple. A customer can easily locate nearby business locations.

Your Northamptonshire business

The more places your business information appears, the more chances your company will be found, then its up to the website to deliver. That’s why it could be useful for your business to be listed in the Directory for free, just use the ” Add a business now” link opposite. If you need help, check out Drachsi they can help in many different ways, they are website mechanics.

It is important to note that your customers are on-line, and most likely, they are already searching for products and services you supply; if they donโ€™t find you, they will definitely find your competitor. It is easy, you can join here.