We would like to promote a local photographer

We are pleased to invite any local photographer with a website, to submit photographs of Northamptonshire for publication in this Directory. This is in addition to the free listing Northamptonshire photographers can create.

Why? Is possibly the first thought that springs to mind. We can easily purchase stock photographs from the many companies providing this service, such as Dreamtime and Pictures of England, but this is a local Directory for Northamptonshire, and we believe in keeping the Directory for local people, so that as many local businesses as possible can benefit.

What type of photograph?

We already have 6 photographers listed in the Directory, but would like to showcase more. The idea behind the request is to use photographs taken by a local photographer in this Directory with full acknowledgement and copyright disclosure. To showcase local photographers work and to promote the county of Northamptonshire.

Northampton Market photographer

Everybody that owns and manages a website knows that publicity and promotion are good for business. Especially if it is without charge. A local photographer can showcase work and also have a free listing. There are some minimum requirements.

The minimum size is 2000px by 1000px. We will require notification that the image or images can be used in this Directory without a time limit. You are the owner or authorised person to use the images. A completed listing in this Directory is required. Join the other photographers already active.

Why this Directory?

The Northamptonshire Business Directory is possible one of very few Directories that does more that just list businesses. The Directory only accepts local Northamptonshire businesses and organisations. The Directory is marketed and promoted for the benefit of all business listings.

We provide our members with a wide range of articles covering many different topics. We are focused on building a good relationship with all members, respect their privacy and never use the email address for anything apart from the management and running of this Directory.

Have a read of our Directory Benefits article and check out our extensive Questions and Answers section, if the information required is not listed, please use the simple contact form in the menu bar. Hope you will join us.