FAQ or questions and answers.

FAQ or questions and answersHere you will find FAQ or useful information to get you started with a free listing in the local business Directory. If you have questions not covered, please use this contact form and we will provide the answers. We only cover Northamptonshire businesses.


Good question. We are supported by advertising from Google and individual companies. We also promote some of our other websites.

For more information on local advertising, check out the information page here.

The Northampton Business Directory was created to help local businesses in the Northamptonshire area prosper.
If you care about your business, so do we.

Basic Information

1. Add your business details including postcode and click the " Find on Map" button.

2. Select 1 category for your business.

3. Add all contact details.

4. Add your business logo, to show correctly, the size should be 1200px wide and less than 500k in size. 4 other images are allowed.

5. The most important part is your business description. For Google to index and understand your company this should be about 300 words.

6. Keywords are important. Not your name but services and products which should also be in the description.

7. Click on next step. Only submit one request as all listings are manually approved to prevent spammers and businesses without an address in Northamptonshire adding their details.

8. Approval can take 48 hours so please be patient.

We use the industry standard for business websites. This is the https:// seen in the menu bar. This uses 128bit encryption, we also have our own security measures in place.

We aim to comply with the UK Data Protection Act 2017 and the European Union "General Data Protection Regulation". Which comes in to force 25th May 2018.

For more information please see. UK Data Protection Act and UK Data Protection

European Union Directive

The EU will start to enforce the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation from the 25th May 2018 and will take action against companies not complying with the law. This Regulation also applies to all UK companies.

Comprehensive Guide here.

Your business description is one of the most important sections. Without a detailed description, a listing will not be found when customers search for a product or service. We suggest a description contains about 300 words, describing your business and services. A company name is important in the description.

Google searches a website for information to index, and searches all company descriptions in the Directory.

Our search facility allows potential customers to search for a supplier based of the description in the Directory. The better the description, the more chances of being found.

If you need help writing a good description please send a quick email

To show correctly in the Directory, a company or business logo needs to be 1200px wide. If you have a logo and do not know how to change its size, send us the image and we will do it for you, for free. Request logo mod here.
People think locally when shopping. It is so easy to use the Internet to search for products and services to get the best price, and this will not change. Many of the business already listed in the Directory offer special discounts and service and supply customers from their websites.

Local shopping boosts the local economy and is good for business, More detailed information here.

More than 84% of consumers say they trust on-line business reviews as well as individual recommendations when deciding where to shop. Furthermore, customers trust recommendations from people they know.

Reviews and ratings, as well as responses from business owners, help companies manage their reputation and track their scores. The result is an understanding how consumers locate a business, interact with products and web content and ensure you reach the right customers.

Listing have the opportunity for customers to leave their views and comments, these are indexed by search engines and add to the credibility of a business.

Here is why you should promote reviews of your company.

There are unlimited modifications available, just login in and correct the mistake. Always remember, you are presenting your business to potential customers, check spelling, address and other details.
We recommend this option as it free and you are in control. There are other solutions.

We other a free listing creation service, just complete the details here.

Another option is to have your marketing company do it for you. Make certain they provide the login details of your listing, just in case.

We hate spam emails as well. Your email address is considered private and will only be used to contact you about the Directory.

Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions at the bottom of every page. This information is a legal requirement for every website