Data Protection Laws


All companies need to be ready

If you retain customer information, in any form, like email address, name, address etc. You need to prepare to meet the requirements of the new Data Protection laws from the UK, and the European Union.

Data Protection Laws

UK Data Protection Act

Here you will find a general guide to Data Protection and steps that need to be taken. The 1998 Data Protection Act has been updated to reflect the changes in e-commerce and the Internet. It is designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in an organised paper filing system.


European Union “General Data Protection Regulation”

UK Businesses will also have to comply with the European Union regulations, even if they do not trade with the EU. The agreed Eurpean wide rules also mean that every company must seek confirmation from all companies and individuals if their data can be stored. The deadline is 25th May 2018. Wikipedia has some information and also the European Union


Companies and Businesses must comply

For many small businesss this will add to the work load, but it is important to remember there are substantial fines and penalties in both laws. As the deadline approaches, expect many emails requesting approval from companies and organisations to retain the information they have. So better to get in early before the rush, start complying now. More info in our Q&A section.